Gynaecomastia: Absolutely Scarless Treatment is Possible

Gynecomastia Treatment

Enlargement of breasts like female sometimes occur in males to a different extents and causes great mental discomfort to the person. It may cause psychological problems as depression,  can lower the confidence of the person because of the adverse comments made by peers when he exposes his chest and also cosmetically it is not pleasing in appearance for a male. These people many times overreact to the situation become extraconscious about their condition and start to notice even mild elevation.

Gynaecomastia usually has no relation to any illness as most of the times the cause is not known. Some times it may result from consumption of certain drugs like diuretics, sometimes alcohol, or sometimes due to hormonal changes.

This problem is seen in same percentage in both thin and obese people.

To address this problems many techniques have evolved over past many decades. The main aim of treating this condition is the necessity to make the suffering person flat chested with out causing any scars or marks, that is there should be no signs of surgery.

this new technique which has developed is a mix of liposuction and removal of gland through a small incision on the nipple and areola(black circle around the nipple)

previous techniques used to leave a big scar below the areola or along the margin of areola and at the same time they may cause some irregularities in the surface like depression in the chest area because of removal of fat and gland

also sometimes there may be loss of sensation over the nipple and areolar region or sometimes there is a chance of loss of the areolar skin due to loss of blood supply.

Sometime only liposuction is used to treat the gynaecomastia but the gland part which remains and which cannot be removed by liposuction becomes more prominent and appears like a bulge and hence the person may have a small swelling remaining eventhough there is overall reduction in size of the gynaecomastia

This new technique of combining the liposuction and removal of remaining gland through the central nipple and areolar incision solves all the above problems from cosmetic appearance to  loss of sensation.

The procedure in a nutshell is  initial liposuction of the entire affected area through a small hole in the armpit region. Liposuction is done till the gynaecomastia is flattened completely except for small residual nodule of the remaining gland. Then this remaining gland is removed by a small crisscross incision on the nipple extending slightly on to areola.

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This technique gives in the best result as there are no scars visible as the nipple scars are not visible and the liposuction scar is hidden in the armpit. Also as the incision on the nipple is very small the incidence of the complications like decreased sensations over the areolar region or probable loss of the nipple and areolar skin is nil. There will be no surface irregularity because of the liposuction.

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Post operatively the person should wear a pressure garment for 2 months for healing and also for remodeling of the tissues beneath the skin.

This technique gives a well shaped symmetric chest contour without any visible elevation or additional scars on nipple areola complex. The satisfaction rate with this method was very high and this achieved a very good aesthetic result for gynaecomastia surgery with absolutely no sign of surgery.