Hair Loss is a common problem in both men and women. And it can grow into an emotional experience as it progresses and leads to balding, which can sometimes result in low self-esteem and confidence. It is especially important to address the cause of hair loss and do the needful. Sarayu Clinic has the best hair transplant surgeon for all your hair loss problems.
Causes of Hair Loss
It is normal for humans to lose between 50 – 100 strands of hair a day. Normally new hair replaces the lost hair. Hair loss can develop gradually or can happen suddenly. Hair loss can either be temporary or permanent. Hair loss can be related due to the following factors:
· Family History: One of the most common causes of hair loss is due to heredity which happens as you age. This condition is also called androgenic alopecia (male-pattern baldness and female pattern baldness). It generally happens gradually and in a predictable pattern. In men, you will see bald spots and receding hairline and in women, you will notice hair along with the crown of the scalp.
· Medical Condition and Hormonal Changes: Many conditions can cause temporary or permanent hair loss, that can include hormonal changes either due to hormonal changes, thyroid problem, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. Medical conditions like alopecia areata is an immune-related condition and can cause patchy hair loss, scalp infection like ringworm and disorder called trichotillomania.
· Supplements and Medications: Hair loss could be a side effect due to a few certain drugs, those used for cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure, depression, and heart problems.
· Lifestyle Changes: Many people experience hair thinning either due to stress, pollution or changed lifestyle habits. This type of hair loss is temporary.
· Hair Treatments: Getting excessive hair treatments or hairstyling where they pull your hair tight to make pigtails and can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia.
Is there any solution?
The good news is that there is a permanent solution for all your hair loss conditions. We at Sarayu Clinic have the best hair transplant surgeon who offers the most aesthetic and affordable hair transplant treatment in Hyderabad.
What is Hair Transplant?
Hair transplant in Hyderabad is a surgical procedure that is used to treat hair loss or baldness. Hair transplant surgeons in the procedure remove tiny patches from the side or back of the head and implant in the bald spots such as the top or front of the head.
Purpose of Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplant in Hyderabad is a cosmetic procedure done on both men and women who are suffering from significant hair loss, hair thinning, or bald spots where the hair is no longer growing. In men, baldness or hair loss is commonly due to age or genetic factors. Male pattern baldness is one of the most common conditions seen in males in which the hairline reduces gradually and exposes more of the forehead. Men also experience gradual thinning of hair at the crown or on the top of the skull.
Women experience hair loss due to hormonal changes and are likely to experience thinning of the hair on the entire head. Hair transplant in Hyderabad can also be done to replace lost hair due to injuries, treatment, disease on the scalp, and burns.
Donor Area Preparation:
Hair transplant surgeon prepares the donor area for hair transplantation from where the hair is taken and transferred to the bald region. The donor area is generally the side and back of the scalp as the hair grows more in this area and is not affected by hormones. The hair extracted from this region is not responsive to androgens and is permanent. The hair on the back is permanent even if they are totally bald. Hair transplant Hyderabad works on the concept where the hair is extracted from the donor region as it is not responsive to androgen when hair is transplanted and will grow like natural hair.
Types of Hair Transplantation Procedure:
· Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): FUE Is a less invasive hair transplantation procedure and is a widely available harvesting method. FUE uses small tools to individually cut around the follicular unit and remove them one by one from the donor region. While performing the FUE procedure hair transplant surgeon carefully cuts and scores around the individual follicular unit in the donor region and then the hair transplant surgeon uses the forceps to pluck the unit of the skin. Then small holes created while plucking the hair are left open to heal. And it means no sutures are required in Follicular Unit Excision. The extracted graft is examined under the microscope and is then implanted into the bald region.
· Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT): In this technique, the hair transplant surgeon removes a strip of hair from the donor’s region in order to implant the follicles in the targeted region for hair transplant treatment in Hyderabad. The donor tissue consists of follicles that range from one to four hairs per follicle. The donor tissue is then placed under the microscope and then dissected. It is then processed and prepared into grafts of individual follicles as grafts to implant in thinning or baldness areas. This procedure is ideal for patients who have a large area of baldness and gives you a natural look.
Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplant:
- Men and women of all kinds are good candidates for hair transplants.
- Having Healthy Hair on your scalp that can be transplanted to the area where the transplant is needed.
- Has the ability to grow hair on the thinning area of your scalp.
- Ideal Candidate for hair transplant procedure between the age of 25 – 60 years.
- Type of Hair Loss
- Classification of Hair Loss
- Overall Health Condition
To know more about why you have hair loss, you may need to have a blood test, as it will give a clear picture of things going on in your body that is the cause of hair loss. Some candidates may need to take a procedure called a scalp biopsy. A hair transplant surgeon can quickly take what is needed for the scalp biopsy during hair consultation.
Sarayu cosmetic and plastic surgery hospital is a well-equipped clinic and center for comprehensive surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures provided by the expert plastic surgeon.